What should I do if the baby is crying?

What to do if the child is crying, the answer is unequivocal to try to calm down What to do if the child is crying, how to calm his baby, because any mom's heart breaks looking at the tears of his little blood. First you need to figure out what the cause of the disorder is, and then think about what to do if the child cries. What happened?When a baby is still very young and cannot speak, it is most difficult to understand why he is screaming. Babies under three months old are usually worried for several reasons. First of all, because of hunger, wet sliders, when they get tired and want to sleep, or because of abdominal pain caused by increased gas formation.And also, if the clothes cause discomfort, they are small, restrict movement, prick the delicate skin of the baby, if there are diaper rash under the diaper. Bright light, cold, heat, loud sounds, as a rule, cause dissatisfaction among toddlers. Children under one year old are often naughty when they are teething, sick or just trying to attract the attention of adults.What to do? To calm a roaring baby, you first need to understand why he is crying. Perhaps it will be enough for the baby to give a breast, a bottle or a pacifier. Even if he has recently eaten, still offer him mother's milk, do not be afraid to overfeed, the toddler will not eat more than necessary, but he will suck a little and calm down. Now pediatricians tend to believe that newborns need to be fed on demand, not by the hour.The more often you give your baby a breast, the calmer the baby is and the more milk the mother has. If you are on artificial feeding, then offer a crying toddler a pacifier. Check the diaper, maybe it's time to change it, see if there are any redness on the skin. The child may be nervous because of diaper rash, and if necessary, apply a special baby cream to the affected areas.Feel the baby's hands and nose, if they are cool, then your toddler is frozen and he needs to put on a blouse. Keep in mind that the baby grew and developed in his mother's tummy and was used to being in a warm environment (at body temperature), so even if the room is 26-27 degrees, the newborn may be cold and these unknown sensations cause crying.What else can I do if the baby is crying? Take it on the handles, hold it in a vertical "column" so that it regurgitates excess air. Try to give drops of colic in the tummy. Make sure that the stool is daily, since its absence can cause stomach pains, then you need to do an enema or put a laxative candle. Walk around the room with the baby, shake it, try to calm it down and put it to sleep.There is nothing better than a mother's hug! You can sing a song to a baby or turn on some soothing melody. Swaddling helps some children calm down, so it seems to them that they are back in the womb, many fall asleep well in a cradle or stroller. If the baby still cannot be calmed down in any way, he screams incessantly for 15-20 minutes, does not take the breast, spits out the nipple, cries, even when he is in his arms, it is necessary to immediately call a doctor. В случае временной недоступности основного сайта зеркало Вавады обеспечит вам непрерывный доступ к играм. Это рабочее решение для обхода блокировок, которое позволяет пользоваться всеми функциями платформы. С помощью зеркала вы сможете продолжать игру без каких-либо ограничений.

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